Cater2、你说(3)(1 / 2)

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「学长,我等等要唱的是insomnia,craig david的,听过吗?」




两人一起站上舞台,陆宇中开口道,「大家好,我是小陆,现在要为各位带来一首歌曲——craig david的insomnia.」

刘彦廷坐在琴前,一阵鼓掌後前奏开始,陆宇中启口:「i never thought that i'd fall in love, love, love, love


but it grew from a simple crush, crush, crush, crush


being without you girl, i was all messed up, up, up, up

(失去你的我 现在真是一团糟)

when you walked out, said that you'd had enough-nough-nough-nough

(当你离开时说 你已经受够了)

been a fool, girl i know


didn't expect this is how things would go


maybe in time, you'll change your mind

(或许一段时间後 你会改变心意)

now looking back i wish i could rewind

(回首过去 真希望一切可以重头开始)

because i can't sleep til you're next to me


no i can't live without you no more

(不 失去你我无法再活下去)

oh i stay up til you're next to me

(哦 在你回来之前我只会彻夜难眠)


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