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Oh you“re the best friend that I ever had,

I“ve been with you such a long time

You“re my sunshine”


“and I want you to know

That my feelings are true

I really love you

Oh you“re my best friend”


“Oooh you make me live

Oh I“ve been wandering round

but I still come back to you

In rain or shine

you“ve stood by me girl

I“m happy at home

you“re my best friend”


“Oooh you make me live

Whenever this world is cruel to me

I got you to help me forgive

Oooh you make me live now honey

Oooh you make me live

You“re the first one

when things turn out bad

You know I“ll never be lonely

you“re my only one

And I love the things

I really love the things that you do

You“re my best friend”


“Oooh you make me live

I“m happy at home

You“re my best……STOP!!!”



Rachel被噎了下,不满地嘟了嘟嘴,仍是愤愤不平,“I hate you(我讨厌你)!”话一出口,Rachel突然想起之前Quinn的那条短信,不自在地转身抱起手臂,维持自己愤怒的表情。

Quinn也是一愣,不过很快反应过来,慢悠悠地回了句,“I thought I was your BFF(我以为我是你的BFF)~”

Rachel又转回身,瞪着一脸玩味的Quinn,嘴不禁嘟得更高了,对视了会儿,Quinn不为所动,恼怒地跺了下脚,再瞪着Quinn一眼,一步一步狠狠地跺地走出了教室,典型的diva storm out。Quinn看着那diva离开的背影,努力抿紧唇不让自己大笑起来。当她回转身,看见的是众人呆愣的神情。


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