“No. More like, he’s retired now.” Harry muttered.
“Mental. The whole thing is mental,” Ron murmured, and Harry privately thought, Ron you have no idea.
“So what did he say about the DA?” Hermione asked, to change the subject.
“Oh, yeah, did you ask him?”
“He said we could as long as all ‘prior commitments’ were upheld or something.”
“In other words: classwork.” Ron clarified.
“Right. He also…requested we add another member. One who may or may not show up.”
“Who would that be?” Ron asked quizzically.
“It’s Draco Malfoy, isn’t it?” Hermione asked and Ron looked at her as if she was crazy.
“It can’t be Ferret, Hermione—” Ron stopped at the look on Harry’s face. “It IS Malfoy? You didn’t say yes, did you?”
“He probably won’t come,” Harry muttered.
“You’re absolutely right,” Hermione agreed, looking pointedly in Ron’s direction. “He won’t come.”
“But what if he does?” Ron asked. “Then we’ll have to act all nice-”
“Not if we’re dueling him,” Harry put in, and Ron caught on to what Harry was implying.
“I like that idea, Harry.”
Draco Malfoy returned to classes the next day, looking for all the world as if he had not fainted, or blacked out, or fallen down gracefully at supper the night before. In fact, Draco Malfoy himself couldn’t remember much about the blacking out part, so he brushed off any inquiries about his health (along with inquiries about why he hadn’t been in the Hospital Wing). All was going along like a normal school day for Draco Malfoy so when Ron Weasley happened to brush by him after lunch, he wasn’t expecting a shouting contest.
For Ron Weasley the day was not going so well. It seemed to be one of those days where nothing went right and everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong. And Ron assumed that if he had been in Potions (which he thankfully wasn’t) his cauldron would have melted on him, just to make the day worse. And his friends weren’t helping either as Hermione seemed never to have a bad day and therefore wasn’t comforting at all, and Harry seemed preoccupied with dreading his upcoming Potions class to worry about how bad Ron’s day was. So when he happened to run into Malfoy leaving the Great Hall after lunch and the little Ferret had the audacity to snipe ‘watch where he was going’ Ron let it all out.
“Oh, and I’m sure we’re going to all have to watch what we do around you now Malfoy, we wouldn’t want you fainting again.” He spoke snidely.
“Shut it Weasel, or you might find yourself blacking out, or should I say knocked out.”
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