Harry’s eyebrows rose. “Happy reading, I guess,” he finally said.
“It’s really interesting actually. Many of our own customs were based after the Veriae customs, such as the whole ‘head of the house’ idea, which came from the Veriae Aspectus.”
“You’re going to need to explain all this, right?”
“Yes, it’s a complicated system. Harry, you look dead on your feet. You should try to sleep.”
After Harry had gone into the boys dormitory, Hermione frowned worriedly and re-read the paragraph she had been absorbed in before Harry came down.
It takes months, and in some cases years, for Veriae to learn to control their wings because just having their wings makes the Veriae prone to rash mood swings. The instinct of the wings is to protect the Veriae at all cost, and thus for the first few months after the first rebirth the slightest anger may set them off. But it is interesting to note, that while the Veriae may not be able to control the wings, the Veriae’s intended can. The touch of the Veriae’s soul mate makes even the sharpest, most angry feathers instantly change to their soft form so as not to hurt the Veriae’s intended.
“Oh my, Harry what have you gotten yourself into now?” Hermione whispered worriedly. Absorbed in her book, the girl continued reading long into the night.
Lucius Malfoy sat watching the flames sputter and die, and continued sitting motionless after the room went dark, his sight now focusing intently on the small charred circle that the ring—currently on his finger—had left in the floor.
Dumbledore sat absently stroking Fawkes’s feathers, thinking back to when he had first seen the matching aura between the two boys, after Fawkes had pointed it out to him, and wondered how this would affect the oncoming war.
Draco Malfoy slept soundly, his eyes flickering to a color of silver and gold underneath closed eyelids, and slept soundly, enclosed in his black aura.
And up in the Gryffindor boys’ dormitory, Harry Potter slept soundly as well, enclosed in protective black wings that kept out all the nightmares.
Chapter 5: Matching Auras
“You look three-fourths dead,” Lucius stated as Snape made his way into the room at seven in the morning.
“Thanks for caring,” Snape shot back spitefully. “Seeing as you’re the reason I and forty other people are like this right now.” He winced as he put weight on muscles that were loath to do anything. “And why in Merlin’s name didn’t you keep the fire going?”
Lucius shrugged in the darkness (he hadn’t minded the cold of the dungeon room) as his eyes wandered in the direction of the fireplace. There was a slight shift in the air of the room and flames leapt up from nothing, flooding the room with light.
“I hate when you do that,” Snape muttered, slowly making his way to the couch.
“It’s as natural to me as your wand is to you,” Lucius commented casually.
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