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The door, which had opened silently, suddenly slammed shut, and most of the students jumped, half twisting in their seats to see the owner of that voice.

Even Draco was slightly surprised as his father walked with practiced ease to the front of the room.

“Well?” A regal eyebrow rose as he surveyed the students. “I believe you had work assigned to you. And while I think it would be great fun to watch your Professor cut all your throats for not handing it in, I doubt you would find it as amusing.”

Chairs squeaked as students moved to sit with their partners and start on their projects.

Harry didn’t bother speaking to Malfoy as he sat down next to the blond, seeing as Draco had pointedly not made a move to where Harry had been seated.

“We can get started on half of the potion today, but then we’ll have to acquire the other half of the ingredients.” Draco spoke, looking at his cauldron as if it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.

“Fine then.”

And with that, Draco started working, occasionally shoving something in Harry’s direction with directions to be cut or shredded in a particular way. This suited both of them, as Draco didn’t want a partner to help make the potion to begin with, and Harry didn’t want to make the potion at all. But, watching as the blond aristocrat added the unicorn’s teardrops with subtle procession, Harry had to admit that Draco had some talent in this field of the Wizarding World.

The potion in the cauldron had turned the pale blue color that was an exact duplicate of the color described on the sheet of directions when Draco shoved a list of ingredients at Harry.

“I’ll meet you tonight outside the Forbidden Forest to get these.”

“What?” Harry’s idea of not interacting with Malfoy was shattered.

“Look at the list Potter.” Draco spoke, pointedly watching the blue potion stir itself. “Conock blood can only be found inside the fruit of the conock plant when picked at night. Gorgan’s Hair is actually the snake-like leaves of the Gorgan tree, so named for it’s appearance obviously. And Blackwing Pearls can only found from the Blackwing plant, a short weed which can be seen only after the sun goes down. Hence the ‘at night’ part and since the fastest way to get these is to take them from the plants themselves, you get the Forest part.”

“And I suppose you know that one can find all these in the Forest,” Harry hissed, not caring if Draco heard that comment or not.

“Actually, I do know that all of these can be found in the Forest,” Draco sniped, “Ten o’clock, outside of the Forest, Potter. And don’t be late.”

“No, Ron, we aren’t kidding.”

“But that’s bloody mental! Even Dumbledore wouldn’t risk having the Ministry find out about him giving a teaching position, no matter how small, to someone who doesn’t have Ministry permission to teach! Malfoy can’t have those kind of qualifications!”

“You see when we get to Defense, Ron.” Was all Hermione replied and Harry nodded, silently wondering if it would matter if the Ministry found out that Lucius Malfoy had taught a class considering that he most likely owned that department, more or less.

Hermione was not disappointed in as they entered the normal Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to find the same teacher from Potions that morning calmly leaning against Snape’s desk. Harry had to admit that the look on Ron’s face was priceless, and yet all that Lucius Malfoy did was raise one eyebrow in amusement while he and Hermione were fighting back laughter.

Class started exactly on time, just as Potions had not, and the elder Malfoy wasted no time in waiting for stragglers. The door slammed shut and was locked by an invisible force and every student except two turned to look at the door in amazement. Draco had seen this little stunt many times at the Manor when his father was making it clear to Narcissa that he was not to be disturbed and that the definition of “not” indeed was the same as it had been for the last hundred years and had in actuality not been changed to the definition of “maybe not” or “not, unless Narcissa felt it necessary”. Hermione was looking at the elder Malfoy, silently storing away the first sign she had been shown of how a Veriae worked with the magical currents around them. But it was clear that anyone not in their seats was obviously not going to attend class, and much to Ron’s chagrin that did not include any Slytherins or Ravenclaws, yet included a few Hufflepuffs and about half of the Gryffindor population of the class.


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