Another sigh. “The DA. Dumbledore talked to you about it-”
“Oh, right, I remember now. The little defense group that you started that I thought was a complete waste of my time. That DA.”
Harry blinked as Draco spoke as though he was remembering a trip to Diagon Ally. Oh, that trip. I remember I went and bought this, that, and the other…
“Anyway, we were just starting a six-way duel—”
“You what? Are you crazy?” Draco practically shrieked.
“What are you talking about?”
“You can’t do that, you moron! No wonder the bond was so upset.” Draco looked accusingly at Harry.
“It’s controlled—” Harry started to explain, but Draco wasn’t done ranting.
“You’re just up and allowing people to throw curses at you! Merlin, how stupid can you get?”
Harry fought the urge to groan. “Nothing even hit me,” he pointed out helpfully.
“Principle of the thing,” Draco spat back venomously
Draco’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Then I’ll just go to bed now.” he drawled, and moved back away from Harry.
“Don’t you dare stop touching me!”
“Potter, do you know how wrong that sound—”
“Shut up, Malfoy!”
Draco smirked triumphantly and returned his hand to its original spot. “The only person the bond will allow you to duel with like that is me,” he pointed out after a few seconds worth of silence.
“Oh that’s a relief,” Harry muttered. “Because I would really like to hex you right about now.”
Draco merely raised an eyebrow in response, looking eerily like his father for a moment or two. “You may find that harder than you think, Potter. Remember that.”
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