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Draco’s wings curled forward to protect him from the dragon’s fire as he jumped backward to avoid a silver-tipped claw reaching forward to grab at him. He now realized why Voldemort had chosen this tower to hold his father in. With the window closed no magical currents could get into the room, which left the Veriae powerless.

The room was small and cramped, and Draco was pushed farther and farther back into a remote corner of the room, away from his father. His wings scraped against the wooden rafters as they sloped down towards the floors. Another step and his back hit the stone wall. He was trapped.

Harry ran through the corridors as quickly and silently as he could. The burning sensation in his stomach was growing hotter and larger by the second. As if he needed more urging to get to Draco; he berated the bond silently. He was already going as fast as he could.

After rounding a corner, he was forced to stop suddenly and press back into the wall as a Death Eater strode down the hall. She stopped and looked around. Harry held his breath and waited, hoping she would just move on.

“I know you’re here, Potter,” a familiar female voice drawled. “Draco and his father are up there but you’ll have to survive me to get to them. This is the only hallway up to the north tower, so don’t even think about trying to find another way up.”

Her eyes glittered insanely as she grinned at the darkness. “I made sure we could have a proper fight. My cousin may have taken precedence last time, but this time, Potter, I’m going to kill you.”

“No you won’t Bellatrix,” Harry mouthed silently, aiming his wand at her. His mouth began to form words-

“You shall not harm Harry Potter!”

“Dobby?” Harry whispered as Bellatrix spun to look at the House Elf that had materialized behind her.

In a manner akin to Lucius Malfoy in Harry’s second year, Bellatrix was thrown backward, hitting the wall with a crack that couldn’t have been healthy. She slid to the floor in a heap, unmoving. Harry pulled the invisibility cloak off as he stepped into the hallway.

“Dobby, what are you doing here?”

“I came to help Harry Potter sir.”

Harry winced as another wave of pain hit. “Come on Dobby,” he told the House Elf as he grabbed the cloak and headed for the stairs. Sounds of snarling echoed down the stairwell. Harry raced up the stairs as he heard a strangled shriek and threw open the door at the top of the stairwell. He stopped short at the state of the room.

The room was covered in splatters of blood. In the far corner he could see Draco outlined in bloodstained steal wings, the mutilated corpse of a dragon in front of him. Draco was staring down at the corpse with an expression akin to horror.

“Draco, are you okay?” Harry asked as he stepped into the room.

“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Draco spoke softly.

“Fine, but not now. We have to get out of here before they figure out what’s going on.”

Draco nodded and stepped gingerly around the mutilated body. Harry walked up to where Lucius was chained to the wall and pressed his wand’s tip to the man’s temple. “Enervate.”

Voldemort stood as the ceremony finished, frowning slightly.


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