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(He was going to get that inscribed on the inside of their wedding bands. Forever, forever, forever, a new mantra to replace the soft promise of until the very end that had been ringing inside his bones for months.)

“Then I guess we’re stuck with him.” Ron’s mouth twitched into a smile when Hermione was thrown into Draco’s arms and he spun her around so her skirt flares out, the two of them doubling over with laughter. “No getting rid of him now.”

“Guess so.”

“That’s alright,” And it’s that, the wholehearted acceptance that Ron is giving just with one casual shrug of his shoulder, that makes Harry think he is doing the right thing, because out of all of them Ron always seems to know when they are heading towards something that he can handle. “He’s growing on me.”

He has that effect, Harry thinks, but doesn’t say, because really, he’d already said enough.


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