“I noticed,” Draco said curtly. “You could have just told them to leave you alone.”
“I’m not very good at that,” Potter admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I noticed,” Draco repeated dryly.
“It’s just…so many people come to me and tell me their stories, how they survived the war, how they never stopped believing in me…Sure, there are a lot of crazy people too, but… I can’t just tell them to bugger off.”
“Of course you can.”
Potter sighed. “Believe me, I’ve lost my temper enough times to know how that ends. As long as they’re being friendly,” he shrugged, “it’s okay.”
Draco shook his head. Potter was such a goody two-shoes.
Diagon Alley was buzzing with people, all laden with shopping bags. Some stopped and stared as Draco and Potter walked past them. It was highly uncomfortable. Draco didn’t even know why he had pulled Potter away from those people. It irritated him, the way they practically mauled him but that was none of his business, was it? He hadn’t even thought about it, but now…now he was walking down Diagon Alley with Potter, who he had tried to stop thinking about since Blaise sent him that article. He still flinched whenever he thought about the way he had been looking at the prat in that picture. He didn’t even want to think about the ways Potter was probably going to tease him about it.
“Doing some last minute Christmas shopping?” Potter asked, peeking at Draco’s bag.
“Not exactly,” Draco replied, avoiding Potter’s gaze. “Just some new robes.”
“Ah,” Potter said. “Is there anywhere else you need to go?”
Draco hesitated, wondering if this was some kind of trap. “No. Actually, I was just on my way—”
“Good. How about we get a drink?”
Draco stopped, almost dropping his bag. A drink? With Potter? Was he serious?
“Why?” was the only thing he found himself capable of saying.
“Why not?” Potter shrugged.
“Because…” Draco didn’t know what else to say.
“Come on,” Potter said. “Let’s go to the Leaky Cauldron.”
Draco followed him silently, not sure whether to be excited or mortified. Bumping into Potter was one thing, spending more time with him than necessary, on the other hand, was very dangerous. Draco almost felt like a teenager again; insecure, angry, foolish. It wasn’t a good combination.
Tom showed them to a table and, as soon as they placed their orders with him, a torturous silence stretched between them.
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