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“Psst, Draco,” Pansy hissed. “Want to make a bet?”

Draco arched an eyebrow at her devious smile and the way she was curling her finger under her chin.

“I’m good,” he declined.

“But you haven’t even heard it yet.”

“I don’t need to.”

“What if it involves getting into Potter’s pants?” she smirked. Draco shot her a dark look.

“Hey, you’re not making any bets involving…Harry’s pants,” Weasley said. “Especially not you,” he added, pointing at Draco.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Draco asked, incredulously.

“Let’s just—No bets, okay?” Granger said, her hands outstretched between her boyfriend and Draco, as if she was trying to prevent them from jumping out of their seats and start a duel.

“Whatever,” Draco muttered, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Aw, don’t pout, Draco. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of chances to get into Potter’s pants,” Blaise sniggered, patting Draco’s shoulder. Salazar’s balls! This evening had been a mistake. He should have just stayed at home…

“What did I miss?” Potter asked as he sat down again.

“Nothing,” Draco said hastily. He turned to Potter, trying to make sure nobody else caught his attention and filled him in. His effort was redundant, he realised, since Potter’s eyes were already fixed on him.

“Here, I brought you another,” he said, offering Draco the wine in his hand.

“I really shouldn’t,” Draco said, immediately wrenching the glass out of Potter’s grip and taking a swig.

“O-kay,” Potter said, sounding sceptical and amused at the same time. “I think you should drink this on the side.” He placed a glass of water in front of Draco, as if it wasn’t a big deal. And…of course it wasn’t. It was just water. And yet, Draco stared at it in wonder.

“What are you now, my chaperone?” he said, unable to withhold a teasing smile.

“You look like you need one,” Potter quipped. “Although, ‘chaperone’ isn’t quite what I was going for.”

“Oh?” Draco’s head was swimming. Drinking and being this close to Potter really wasn’t a good combination.

“Being a chaperone is too…restricting.” Potter flashed him an irritatingly cute smile.


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