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“I’m not as restless as you are,” he said. “I can very well sit back and enjoy living the life that was intended for me as the heir of a pure-blood family.”

“Somehow, I don’t believe you,” Potter said, a small smile starting to form on his lips. “Maybe one day I’ll get it out of you.”

Draco threw his head back, snorting, suddenly feeling caught.

“Hey,” Potter added, nonchalant, “how about we go out for drinks again?”

Draco blinked. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“Drinks. Again?” Huh. That…was not what Draco had expected. “I honestly see no reason for that,” he said slowly.

“Um, because it’s fun?” Potter said. He almost sounded like Blaise. “And so we can get to know each other better.”

“Potter, we’ve known each other for years, there’s no—”

“Do we really, though?” Potter interrupted.

Draco wanted to roll his eyes, tell Potter to bugger off, but…he knew what Potter meant and if he was being honest, the offer was rather intriguing. But could he really risk it? There was a reason he had mostly avoided Potter all those years.

“You want to have another heart to heart?” he said, teasingly. Potter shrugged, as if he wanted to say ‘Why not?’ “I’m not a big fan of crowds,” Draco said, tapping a finger against his cup. “And your Gryffindor friends aren’t exactly—”

“Oh, no. I was actually thinking it’d be just you and me.”

Draco stopped moving, his mouth going dry.

Just you and me.

Was—Was this—Was Potter asking—No, that wasn’t possible. The more plausible explanation was that he simply needed a drinking buddy.

“You free tonight?” Potter asked.

Draco willed his heartbeat to slow down as he found Potter’s gaze and held it. “I guess I could spare an hour,” he drawled. He tried hard not to react to Potter’s grin, but failed. He could feel the corners of his mouth lifting upwards without his permission.

“Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile at me before,” Potter said quietly. Before the smile died on Draco’s lips, Potter leaned forward. “I like it.”


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