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Draco’s jaw dropped. “What?”

“I’m technically still part of the Auror program. It’s mandatory to get a check-up every six months.”

Draco balled his hands into fists. Weasley! That buffoon! He should have been more specific. Then again, maybe Draco had overreacted just a little bit. He hadn’t even thought twice before running off to the hospital, frantic and panicked. If he had stopped to think about it, he would have realised Weasley wouldn’t have been in Diagon Alley but at Potter’s bedside if his condition had been serious. Bugger!

“Did you think I was hurt?”

Draco bit his lip. “No?”

“So you just like yelling at people?” Once again, Potter looked far too amused.

Draco clicked his tongue before he turned to the nurse. “I’m sorry about that,” he said.

She regarded him closely, her gaze flickering back and forth between him and Potter. “It’s alright. But if you would have let me talk, I could have told you Mr. Potter wasn’t injured.”

Draco made a face, feeling foolish for embarrassing himself, yet again, in front of Potter.

“Hey, since you’re here,” Potter grinned, “I need to run some errands. Care to join me?”

Draco just stared at him. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Potter was actually glad he had come to St Mungo’s. Maybe it was the confusion over that elusive thought, mixed with the relief to see Potter in one piece, that prompted him to nod.

“Great,” Potter beamed. “Although, I think we might need to transfigure your cloak into a coat.”


“We’re going into Muggle London.”


Before Draco could protest, Potter pushed him down the corridor and out the door. He had the audacity to look chipper and whistle the whole way to the shop he hauled Draco to. When they stepped inside, Draco glanced around.

“Is this some kind of Madam Malkin’s for Muggles?” he asked.

“If you want to put it that way,” Potter smiled. Draco had a suspicion he would never get used to that, Potter smiling at him. He turned away, eyeing one of the mannequins as a woman approached them.

“Hello,” the woman said in a cheerful tone. “Can I help you with anything?”

“Yeah,” Potter said. “I’m looking for a suit.”


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