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“Great,” Luna beamed. Funnily enough, her cheerfulness wasn’t as annoying as Draco would have expected. It was almost contagious.

Monday, 20 January 2003

“That was fun! I haven’t been flying in ages.”

Draco quietly cleared his throat. Seeing Potter this happy and excited was doing terrible things to his heart.

“Yeah, I figured,” he said in his most haughty voice. “You weren’t able to keep up with me. You’ve let yourself go.” Draco’s smirk slowly faded when he caught the sudden emptiness in Potter’s eyes and the way he was clutching at his broom. What just happened? It wasn’t like Potter not to have a comeback.

“I was kidding,” Draco said, feeling extremely awkward. Bickering with Potter was easy. This, however, whatever it was, was uncomfortable. Potter seemed to think so as well and visibly tried to compose himself as he fumbled with his scarf.

“How about a rematch tomorrow?” he said, trying to sound lighthearted, but Draco could tell he was faking it.

“I can’t tomorrow.”


Draco inwardly smirked. Potter’s voice was dripping with disapproval. “I already have plans.”

“With whom?”

“I’m sorry, was I supposed to get your permission first?” Draco quipped. His heart skipped a beat when he saw how flustered Potter suddenly was.

“I didn’t mean—I was just—I—”

“Merlin, Potter,” Draco laughed. The prat was too endearing for his own good. “I’m meeting Luna.”


“I know. It’s the last thing I would have expected.”

“So…is this…like…a date?”

Potter wasn’t actually…jealous, was he? And if he was…was he jealous of Luna or Draco?

“Is it?” Potter looked like he was trying very hard to keep his cool.

“Maybe,” Draco shrugged. “You never know with Lovegood. She’s very…unique.” Draco had to force himself not to snigger when he saw the shock on Potter’s face. “Actually, I’m taking her somewhere I’ve never taken anyone before.”


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