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“Yeah, you don’t look so good,” Potter said.

“I don’t need your commentary,” Draco sniffled and tried to suppress a sneeze.

“This is silly, Draco! Why don’t you let me come through?”

“Excuse me, you’re the one who appeared in my fireplace unannounced, and now you’re inviting yourself into my parlour? Again?” Draco raised an eyebrow. “I always knew you had poor manners, Potter, but honestly.” He tried to hide how much he was enjoying this, even though there was still a tiny bit of wariness lurking in the back of his mind.

“Come on,” Potter whined. “My knees are starting to hurt.”

“I like having you on your knees, actually.”

“Oh, really?” Potter said, his lips stretching into an impish grin. “Is it too soon to make a virgin joke?”

Draco made a choking sound and felt his cheeks heating up. “Potter, I think it’s time for you to go.”

Potter didn’t give any indication of doing what Draco had told him, which was highly irritating.

“Go away and let me sleep.”

“Don’t be like that,” Potter said with a little pout that was almost too adorable to resist.

“I’m telling you, Potter, I’m sick, and I’m out of Pepperup Potion, so—”

“But I got one,” Potter said in a sing-song voice. “Just let me come through.”

Draco scowled at him as he sunk lower in his armchair, unwilling to admit defeat. “I’ll ask Blaise to get me some,” he said stubbornly, tightening his grip on the blanket.

Potter made the pouty face again. Ugh. “Do you really not want to see me?”

Draco hesitated, his eyes on the carpet. “That’s not fair,” he murmured unthinkingly.

“What was that?”

“Ugh! Fine! Come through, you insufferable prat!”

Potter made a triumphant whooping sound before his face vanished. A moment later, green flames erupted in the fireplace as Potter stepped out of it.

“Merlin, Draco, it’s freezing in here! No wonder you’re sick. Have you forgotten how to cast a heating charm?”


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