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Draco pressed his face into her thighs. He just wanted the pain to stop. He didn’t want to feel like this anymore.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, Draco!” She cradled his head with one hand, while the other started stroking his hair. “How did she react?”

Pansy knew of their arrangement. She knew how much pressure they had been under.

“She was far too understanding,” he whimpered. Unlike mother, he added in his head. He knew she wanted him to be happy and maybe she’d come around eventually, but there was no doubt she would be hurt. He could already picture the disappointment in her eyes. Draco hated that. But there had been no other way. He couldn’t go through with it.

“You did the right thing, Draco. Our parents shouldn’t dictate every move we make. Not anymore. Not when it comes to this.”

Deep down, Draco agreed. Of course he did, otherwise he wouldn’t have broken up with Astoria. And it wasn’t like he had broken her heart. He knew she wasn’t in love with him. But still, he had ruined their plans.

He had ruined everything.

Thursday, April 10 2003

Draco startled when green flames suddenly erupted in the fireplace of his parlour and a very angry-looking Harry Potter stomped out of it.

“You bastard,” he yelled.

“What the fuck, Potter! What are you doing here?”

Potter ignored his question and, without warning, lunged at Draco, grabbing him by his collar.

“You should have told me,” he growled. “You should have told me you broke off the engagement.”

Draco stared at him, bewildered. “Who told you that?”

“It doesn’t matter who told me. You should have been the one to tell me.”

“I didn’t break up with Astoria because of you,” Draco said, very aware that he sounded like a stubborn child.

“Oh?” Potter said. He sounded far too cocky. “Why then?”

“That’s none of your business,” Draco grumbled and tried to wriggle himself out of Potter’s grip.

“I think you’re lying,” Potter said, his eyes narrowing. “There’s no way you’d go against your parents’ wishes unless there’s a very good reason for it. And don’t tell me this wasn’t their idea!”

“Oh, and you think you’re that reason?” Draco sneered.


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