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Before Draco could react, Pansy snatched the letter from him and ran to the other side of the room, tearing it open.


“Draco,” she began reading, “I’m very sorry about what happened between us. It’s not what you think.” She paused, taking a sip of champagne. “What did happen between you two?”

Draco just shook his head, hoping Potter hadn’t gone into too much detail in his letter.

“You’re no fun,” Pansy muttered before she continued reading. “I hope you’ll let me explain. Until then, happy birthday.” She rolled her eyes. “That is the most boring letter I’ve ever seen. Oh, wait, what’s this? Oh my!”

“What? What?” Draco jumped up and hurried over to her.

“That’s rather generous, even for someone as loaded as him,” Pansy said, even though she didn’t sound very impressed.

When Draco saw what Pansy was holding, his mouth went dry. It was a cheque. For the school.

“Oh really?” Draco growled through gritted teeth. “That bastard!”

“Merlin, Draco, what did Potter do to you?”

Without answering, Draco grabbed the cheque and the letter and stomped over to the fireplace. With far too much floo powder in hand, he yelled, “Harry Potter’s flat!”

If Draco hadn’t known any better, he would have said Potter had been waiting for him. He jumped off the sofa before Draco even stepped into his living room. His expression was hopeful, yet hesitant.


“You think you can buy me?” Draco shouted. “You think you can just shove your money at me and all will be forgiven and forgotten? I’m not some dirty whore!”

“Draco, that’s not what I—”

“Shut up, Potter, I don’t want to hear it! This is it! Find somebody else to screw around with!”

“For fuck’s sake, Draco, will you just listen to me? What happened that night has nothing to do with you or your bloody Dark Mark.”

“You couldn’t get out of the Manor fast enough!”

“You went completely ballistic on me! You wouldn’t have listened to a word I said! You’re not listening now!”


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