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McGonagall’s face was unreadable. She studied Potter for a long moment, her eyes flickering to Draco every now and then.

“Oh. I see,” she finally said. “And how exactly does that correspond with you ‘letting me down’?” she said, putting emphasis on the last few words, to stress that those weren’t her words.

“Isn’t that obvious?” Potter said, gaping at her.

“Potter, I don’t like being depicted as slow or inane, so you’ll have to be a bit more specific.”

Even Draco shuddered at her words. Merlin, did she know how scary she could be sometimes? She probably did.

“You, um…In fifth year, err…when Umbridge said—You…you said you’d—”

“Potter, stop mumbling,” McGonagall interrupted him, though her tone wasn’t as snappish as her words. “Unless you’re here to tell me you murdered somebody, it can’t be as bad as you obviously think it is.”

Potter gulped. “But it is bad. You helped me get into that program and I—I—”

Draco felt Potter’s palm getting sweaty. When it was clear he wasn’t going to continue, McGonagall cleared her throat.

“May I speak freely, Potter?”

Slowly, Potter nodded while squeezing Draco’s hand so hard it was beginning to be painful.

“You were accepted into that program because of what you did to save the entirety of the Wizarding World. And also,” she raised her voice when Potter’s expression darkened, “because you are an exceptional wizard. All I did was encourage you to work harder while you were here at Hogwarts.”

“But Headmistress—”

“Potter, I didn’t storm into the Ministry and demand they make you an Auror. You did it by yourself.”

“Still, I—You must be disappointed in me.”

“Disappointed?” McGonagall echoed. She pressed her lips into a tight line before she spoke again. “Let me ask you this, Potter. Why did you quit the Auror program?”

“I—It’s not—It’s not what I thought it would be. I just—” His shoulders slumped. “I don’t want to become an Auror anymore.”

“There you have it, then,” McGonagall said, leaning back in her chair. Potter stared at her, incredulity written all over his face. McGonagall sighed. “Potter, you really think I’d be disappointed in you? After everything you did? It’s not your duty to become an Auror. It’s your duty to find something you want to do.”

Potter’s eyes widened. “But—But—”



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