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Draco took a deep breath. “Actually…” He debated walking up to Potter but decided to stay a few paces behind him. “Luna told me about…She told me about the cupboard.”

Potter’s head whipped around so fast, he almost lost his balance. Clearly, this had been the last thing he had expected. And honestly, Draco hadn’t even wanted to bring it up. But ever since Luna had told him, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, especially while he had been in his spacious and adorned bedroom; he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about little Potter, cramped into a fucking cupboard, probably without enough air to breathe.

Draco felt a flush creep up his face as Potter kept staring at him.

“I probably shouldn’t have said anything,” he murmured and swiftly walked up to him. “I don’t want you to think about what those sick bastards did to you. Ever.”

Potter blinked at him in astonishment. Wordlessly, Draco took his hand and squeezed it. He watched Potter as he thoughtfully turned his gaze to the sky again and understanding slowly dawned on his face. When his eyes found Draco’s once more, they were glistening.

“Draco,” he whispered.

Honestly, it was his own fault for doing something so soppy.

“Whatever,” Draco muttered, hoping Potter wouldn’t come any closer and notice how fast his heart was beating. “Let’s go lie down.”

Silently, they watched the clouds roll by, side by side, until Draco felt warm fingers on his arm. He turned his head, only to find Potter smiling at him.

“Whatever, Potter,” he murmured with a stubborn crease on his forehead. Potter let out a breathy laugh before he leaned over and sent Draco’s pulse into overdrive with a maddening kiss. “Promise me you’ll tell me when something’s bothering you,” Draco said when Potter pulled back. “Don’t go and isolate yourself.” He brushed a few strands of hair out of Potter’s face. “I don’t care if we end up fighting. Just…talk to me, okay?”

“Okay,” Potter whispered.

“And please, for once, think about what you want, okay?”

Potter didn’t respond immediately. He bit his lip and put his hand over Draco’s on his face. “I—I know what I want. At least, um—”


“I know at least one thing.”

“What? What is it?” Draco furrowed his brows at Potter’s jittery voice. His expression was weird, too.

“I—I want to be yours.”

Was it Draco’s imagination or was the sunlight suddenly scorching? He swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat, praying he wasn’t dreaming. But if he wasn’t…He had no idea what was the appropriate response to something like this. His body, however, thought it was appropriate to unleash a massive storm of giddiness inside him and send shockwaves down his spine. He only realised he was smiling like a complete idiot when Potter grinned, climbed on top of him and started snogging him senseless. He flinched when Draco put his hands on his sides, but slowly relaxed as Draco let out a contented sigh. Baby steps, he thought.

“I could get used to surprises like this,” Potter said in-between kisses. “You know you’ve completely ruined me, right?”

“For other men?”


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