
《(神探夏洛克同人)神探夏洛克之情商复苏曲/Emotion Quotient Reborn》简介

晋江2015-08-21完结文案英剧神探夏洛克同人,BBC福华清水向。贴吧已完结。Sherlock巴茨坠楼后得到了一个重生的机会。快穿。 I am you.  Prepared to do anything.  Prepared to burn.  Prepared to do what ordinary people won’t do.  You want me to shake hands with you in hell  I shall not disappoint you.  Moriarty的声音像是天堂悠扬的丧钟,混着地狱嘈杂的交响哀嚎,I AM YOU,SHERLOCK.那些扭曲的音节蹦跳浮空,环绕着如披着夜色般深色大衣的侦探,金绿色的琉璃瞳色愈发精致冰冷:“No ,you talk big.”  “You are ordinary,you are on the side of angels.”上扬的讽刺腔调,Moriarty像条滑腻阴鸷的蝰蛇,向前一步贴近侦探,伸出的友好的右手冰冷刺骨,“You are ordinary.”  Sherlock眼中的神色被浓浓的阴云遮盖,伦敦阴郁的天气失去了灿烂温暖的阳光而显得压抑:“Oh ,I maybe on the side of angels ,but don’t think for one second that one of them.”内容标签:英美剧 系统 快穿搜索关键字:主角:SherlockHolmes ┃ 配角:JohnWatson ┃ 其它:福华


